Write For Us

Write for Us

Welcome to cbd-freedom.co.uk, a leading blog that covers all things related to CBD, hemp, and cannabis. We are always looking for passionate and knowledgeable writers to contribute to our blog.

If you have a strong interest in CBD and a talent for writing engaging, informative content, we want to hear from you. We welcome guest posts from individuals who can share their expertise and insights with our readers.

Guidelines for Guest Posts

To submit a guest post for consideration, please follow these guidelines:

Topics: We accept guest posts on topics related to CBD, hemp, and cannabis. Posts must be original and not previously published elsewhere.

Content: All guest posts should be informative, engaging, and well-researched. We encourage a conversational tone and aim to provide our readers with actionable insights and useful information.

Length: Posts should be between 800 and 1,500 words in length.

Formatting: Please use subheadings and short paragraphs to make your content easy to read. We also encourage the use of bullet points, images, and other multimedia elements to enhance the readability of your post.

Tone: We expect a professional tone and respectful language in all guest posts. We do not accept posts that are overly promotional, defamatory, or contain inaccurate information.

Author Bio: Please include a short author bio (50-100 words) at the end of your post, along with a headshot and a link to your website or social media profile.

Submission Process

To submit your guest post for consideration, please email us at info@cbd-freedom.co.uk. with the following information:

A brief pitch outlining your topic and why it would be a good fit for our blog.
A summary of your proposed article (no more than 200 words).
Your full article in a Word document, with any relevant images attached separately.
Your author bio and headshot.
We will review your submission and get back to you within two weeks. If your post is accepted, we may suggest minor edits or request revisions to ensure it meets our standards.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to cbd-freedom.co.uk. We look forward to hearing from you!